We are the Team of "Be Free" Program.
We believe in peace and
peace is our slogan. Peace in the whole world. We believe that peace
need to come from inside. From our hearts.
We believe that God want
for children to be happy and safe.
We believe that child
abuse, in any form, any where, from any one is wrong and should be
stopped immediately.
We believe that no child
deserve to be abused.
We believe that child
abuse is never child's fault.
We believe children can
have power over abusers. They only need to know how to use it.
"Be Free" program enjoys
the governmental and local support in Bahrain.Sheikha Hala bent
Daij Al Khalifa, has launched this program on 19th of March 2002.
program has also the full support of x-Human Rights High Commissioner
Mrs. Mary Robinson.

Want to talk to some one or have questions?