Tell someone you trust
YOU NEED TO GET HELP... The first thing you need to do is to tell an adult you trust what has happened. preferably an adult. It can be your parent, teacher, doctor, religious leader, youth group leader, coach or a friend’s parent. If you don’t think that you can talk to someone you know and trust because the words won’t come out of your mouth (and yes, this actually can happen!), then write down what you want to say and make that trusted adult read it! This actually lets you organize what you want to say and takes away some of the difficulty in explaining what has happened! Remember telling is not the same thing as tattling. It is a brave and right thing to do. The important thing to remember is that you can get help. The abuse can stop. No kid, not you or any of your friends or any kid in the whole world should ever have to put up with abuse. Be brave and seek help