Show you that they are lonely or scared and you can help
Some may get you used to the
idea of having wrong This can happen by someone at first being really nice to you and paying attention to you, like buying you stuff or chocolates and taking you to fun places or getting you to like them or to feel comfortable with them.. Then, at some point, the subject of sex comes up. This can be by asking you about your sexuality and/or sexual experiences; dropping little hints about sexual matters or pointing out sexually suggestive things such as TV programs, music, or photos. Then as that person gets you used to being with them, they will likely increase physical contact with you. This can be by touching you, scratching your back, giving you a massage, or having you do those things to them. Over time, you get more comfortable with them and the contact can become sexual in nature, meaning the contact is with one of the places covered by your bathing suit. At that point, they may tell you they are sorry, lonely, scared or lots of other things to win or force your silence about what has happened or is happening. They can tell you that it was your fault; that you started it and therefore, there must be something wrong with you or that you must have wanted it; that they will have to tell your friends or your parents; or a thousand other lies!