Be Strong
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What will happen when I tell


Some people may not believe you. Others may think it was your fault. You wouldn't want this to happen to your brother or your sister or your best friend! Probably the hardest thing to do is tell someone what has happened. But it has to be done! Some people carry this pain and this shame all their lives because they never told. And because they didn't tell, chances are very likely that they were not the only kid or teen abused by this person.

You have every right to be scared, this is very normal!  And so is being embarrassed!  You need to work past the fear and embarrassment and tell a trusted adult what happened so that the abuser can be stopped, and so that your healing can begin.


You may be worried about what your parents or other family members will think, and likely you will be worried about other people, like your friends, finding out. These things are also normal. Those who really care about you will be upset that this happened to you! They and others may ask you why you let this happen. The truth is you didn't. You were victimized. You were made to feel comfortable and wanted, or threatened, or tricked. Even if you think it was your fault, no one has the right to do this to you! No one!!

The most important thing to remember is that you were made a victim! Someone else took advantage of you. They stole your innocence from you, they made you feel ashamed, or worried, or scared. They did this to please themselves not you!

If you have been or are being abused, you have to tell! It is unpleasant and embarrassing, but you have to do it!

The important thing here is to trust yourself. If what you have, or are, experiencing seems wrong, then you need to tell a trusted adult! And if the first one you tell doesn't listen or do something to help you, then tell another, and another, until you get help.